Matching the Methods with the Message in Bible Class
Early in my teaching career, I had two conversations that have come to represent for me two “equal but opposite” dangers in teaching Bible class. The first conversation was with a Bible teacher in another school. He...
Teaching students to read well in the digital environment
There is no question about it. Reading texts in a digital format is commonplace today, including in our schools. Neither is their much doubt about how convenient digital texts can be, nor that most of our students prefer them...
Creating Space for Thinking in the Classroom
I recently read this article from TeachBeyond (thanks Becky Hunsberger) on the importance of giving our students time to think in the classroom. As a person who frequently finds myself needing “processing time”, I...
Technology in the classroom
The use of technology in the classroom is common place in many schools today, and rapidly growing. For some teachers, this is a source of excitement and joy as they experiment with new ways of delivering content and communicating...
21st Century Skills and the Responsibility of the Christian Teacher
Some people might describe these skills as “just good skills for life” and I would agree. But these skills must be cultivated and practiced in a context of support before they can be implemented on a consistent basis....