Documenting Your Foundations
There is no question that when it comes to establishing and growing a Christian school, good foundations are essential. To be sure, Christ is our rock, our cornerstone, the church’s one foundation. But what does that look...
Leadership that Promotes Teacher Well-Being
The topic of teacher well-being has become a hot topic in schools recently, including in Christian schools. A recent article on the ACSI US blog, written by an expert in the field, raises some important questions for school...
Developing Student Leaders: Training and Instruction
While leadership experience and the role of a mentor and a community can be significant, at some point developing student leaders is going to require some training and instruction. These “leadership classroom”...
Developing Student Leaders: The significance of community
A relationship with a mentor who is modelling leadership character and skills is significant for a young leader, but can we go one step better? What might be the impact if they were connected to a community of young leaders who...
Developing Student Leaders: Modelling and Mentoring
What does it take to develop student leaders? In my previous post, I suggested that a good starting point might be to provide an opportunity for students to gain some experience in leading. Let them experiment a bit with the...
Developing student leaders: A leadership experiment?
When it comes to learning, I am a bit of a “theory first” person. I prefer to have a good understanding of the concepts and principles involved before I risk trying anything. So, when it comes to the question of...
What does it take to develop student leaders in your school?
Last month, the ACSI Europe team hosted our 21st annual student leadership conference. In fact, it was two conferences! There are more schools wishing to participate in SLC than we can accommodate at one time, so we ran the...
What questions should teachers ask?
Now we move on to defining specific questions that challenge us in the learning process. This is a big topic, so I will first provide you with some resources for further study. There are 3 concepts of particular value: Socratic...
Why do teachers ask questions?
Do you ask your students questions? Do you ask yourself questions? Is this an important part of the teaching and learning process? Why? These are the first questions we want to explore in this series of posts. Research has shown...
Teacher-Teacher Professional Collaboration
Many of us see the benefits of collaboration in the classroom and desire to see our students develop cooperative attitudes and skills… but what about in the staff room? Is your school a place where teachers work together,...