
What does it take to develop student leaders in your school?

A plenary session at SLC

Last month, the ACSI Europe team hosted our 21st annual student leadership conference. In fact, it was two conferences! There are more schools wishing to participate in SLC than we can accommodate at one time, so we ran the program twice over two consecutive weeks. Both events were successful, and we are excited about the growing interest in our conference… but does that mean that we are seeing an increase in the development of student leaders in our schools? Maybe.

I don’t think I am being too controversial when I say that going to a conference will not make a student leader. Conferences can be significant in the lives of our students, but we all have a sense that developing leaders requires something more. Something more consistent, long-term and embedded in the day to day reality of the classrooms, sports fields, homes, churches and other places (physical and virtual) where our students spend their time.

So what might be involved in this “something more” that our students need in order to develop the character and skills that leadership demands? And how can our Christian schools most effectively be involved in providing this? I plan to post some ideas for thought and discussion over the coming weeks, but what about you? What do you think is needed to develop student leaders in your school? Share your ideas and questions as a comment below.

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