Developing the School’s Expected Student Outcomes
If your school has decided to embark on the process of adopting a statement of Expected Student Outcomes (ESOs), it is worth considering carefully the process you will use to identify and communicate these. It will be important...
What are “Expected Student Outcomes”?
What do you want a student who graduates from your Christian school to “look” like? That is, what important skills, character traits and habits do you desire that students develop during their time at school? This...
Reviewing Your Foundational Documents
Foundational documents are not static, “set in stone” things. They are best if they are dynamic and living. Integrating them into the daily life of the school is an important step in achieving this. Another step is to...
Integrating Your Foundational Documents into the Daily Life of Your School
Having some great-looking foundational documents that have been created collaboratively with your school community is one thing… bringing them to life in the day to day business of the school is quite another. But this is a...
Creating Your Foundational Documents
Foundational documents are an important tool for your school’s development, so creating them needs to be done with care. Here are three related ideas to help you work through the process… Collaboration If your...
Documenting Your Foundations
There is no question that when it comes to establishing and growing a Christian school, good foundations are essential. To be sure, Christ is our rock, our cornerstone, the church’s one foundation. But what does that look...