
Creating Space for Creativity

There is little doubt that creativity is something that is valued, even demanded, in the modern workplace. But how much space do we allow in our schools and classrooms for teachers and students to think creatively and try out new ideas?  This involves some risk, but creativity needs space to grow.  And we might all be surprised at the positive impact some new ideas and solutions to problems might have on our schools and even wider communities.

It would be great to hear from teachers and leaders who have tried to tap into the creativity of others in the school community:

– How have you created space to listen to and support the creative ideas of your students?   What have been some of the benefits and challenges of doing so?

– How have you created space to listen to and support the creative ideas of your fellow teachers (especially those younger and less experienced than yourself)? What have been some of the benefits and challenges of doing so?

– What other stakeholders in your school community might be a source of creative ideas if you created the space to hear them?

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