Professional Development

Do teachers love learning?

Most teachers love to teach.  We would not be in the job if we didn’t. There are other jobs with higher pay and lower demands that we would be attracted to if it weren’t for our love of seeing kids learn.  As Christian teachers, many of us feel a strong sense of “calling” and a special equipping by God with gifts for the task.

But do we feel equally as called to the task of learning?  By this I am not referring to the learning of our students, but to our own learning and growth as educators and disciples of Jesus. Are we actively seeking to improve our practice, or have we fallen into comfortable routines that are safe and work for us?

We want our students to love learning, to engage deeply, and to take risks in pursuing a greater understanding of the truth. We are encouraging our students to be life-long learners with our words, but are we demonstrating it with our lives?  If not, it seems unreasonable to expect that our words are having the intended impact.

The book of Proverbs presents learning as an ongoing activity.  The opening verses tell us that the collected wisdom contained in the book is “for giving prudence to those who are simple, knowledge and discretion to the young” (Proverbs 1:4), but is also intended to “let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance” (Proverbs 1:5). Learning is the pursuit of those who are already “wise” and “discerning”!

There are a number of things that hold us back from learning and growing. One is fear.  We fear the feeling of inadequacy or having our weaknesses exposed that may result from engaging with new ideas. Another reason could be the amount of effort involved. Learning requires time and mental and physical energy.  With some reflection (an important part of learning!) I’m sure you could add to this list.

Do you feel that learning is an integral part of your call to be an educator?  Why/why not?

What does (or could) it look like for you to love learning?  How could you cultivate this love in your heart, so that you have the desire to overcome the things that are holding you back?

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