Video series on biblical unity for schools
Summaries can be provided for each language group. If an entry is empty, it will not show as an option for that language. Use <br> as a line break.Note that language options should only be included if the service is actually provided in that language or if translation can be provided, except in the case of a few major services.
ACSI’s taskforce on Biblical Unity, Diversity, and Social Engagement explored how the Bible addresses these issues and recommended five core principles related to them, outlining in detail various ways they can be applied in schools. ACSI is providing biblically based training on unity so that your Christian school community can be the hands and feet of Jesus today, bringing shalom to a world of chaos.
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Available in: English
Related Indicators :
1.1 The school has developed clear, coherent foundational documents establishing: The fait...4.2 Interactions between school leaders, staff and students are characterized by sensitivity, ...
Teacher well-being, a summary
It is important for every school leader to ask this question: Is the culture and environment of our school an asset or a detriment to the well-being of the teachers who serve our Christ-centered mission? This article helps school leaders ask the right questions to establish a culture of teacher well-being.
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2.5 The school has structures that promote a healthy work-life balance and provide for the car...
Engaging in the process of self-assessment using CSIP
Being part of a team using the CSIP self-assessment process challenges each member of the team to assess the current needs and strengths of their school. As we learn to identify key values and practices of Christian education, we are better able to discuss these values, act on them, and strengthen a culture of shared growth and learning. The ultimate goal is to steward the gifts God has given our school community to serve others and advance His kingdom.
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Available in: English, Română
1.1 The school has developed clear, coherent foundational documents establishing: The fait...1.4 The leadership and staff continually support the advancement of the philosophy, mission, a...2.1 The school has Christ-centered, professional leadership and staff who work collaboratively...
Biblical Worldview Truths
This document is an outcome of the Flourishing Schools Model (in the USA) to support schools in asking questions, leading conversations with the school community and integrating a robust understanding of biblical worldview in the mission, professional development activities, relationships and learning activities of their school. This document may need to be contextualized for each school culture but provides a very helpful structure for the process of understanding what is meant by biblical worldview in the context of education.
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1.1 The school has developed clear, coherent foundational documents establishing: The fait...2.4 Professional development for all leadership and staff is ongoing, aligned with specific go...3.3 Biblical worldview integration is understood by teachers and practiced in all subjects and...4.5 Assessment of the spiritual growth of students and staff is intentionally included in the ...
Conferință regională ACSI
This is a one-day event for teachers and school leaders in Romania to inspire continued learning, collaboration and critical thinking. Each event includes focussed teaching and workshops on the philosophy and practice of quality teaching from a Christ-centered perspective. This semi-annual event is primarily for Romanian speakers often with translation from English.
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2.1 The school has Christ-centered, professional leadership and staff who work collaboratively...2.3 All leadership and personnel demonstrate a commitment to the development of the whole chil...2.4 Professional development for all leadership and staff is ongoing, aligned with specific go...
An introduction to biblical integration
What is biblical integration and why is it important for us to consider as teachers? This short video with questions serves as an introduction to a study of the topic or as an intro to a day of professional development. Ongoing interaction and application can be done in your school setting in coordination with other resources or ACSI online courses.
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2.3 All leadership and personnel demonstrate a commitment to the development of the whole chil...2.4 Professional development for all leadership and staff is ongoing, aligned with specific go...3.3 Biblical worldview integration is understood by teachers and practiced in all subjects and...
Biblical Instruction in the Christian School - blog post series.
The ACSI Europe blog contains short articles, often connected in a series, that are designed to promote reflection and interaction on important topics for Christian educators. This series of three posts explores concepts and practices for engaging students with God’s word during Bible class.
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3.2 The school has adopted an approach to curricular content, instruction and assessment that ...3.4 The school provides for the teaching of Bible content in ways that are appropriate to the ...
Assessment - blog post series
The ACSI Europe blog contains short articles, often connected in a series, that are designed to promote reflection and interaction on important topics for Christian educators. This series of six posts explores assessment design for increased student learning, including formative assessment, self assessment and peer assessment.
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3.2 The school has adopted an approach to curricular content, instruction and assessment that ...3.7 The school’s approach to learning activities, curricular content, instruction and assess...
Collaborative Learning - blog post series
The ACSI Europe blog contains short articles, often connected in a series, that are designed to promote reflection and interaction on important topics for Christian educators. This series of four posts explores the "why" and "how" of increasing the use of collaborative learning strategies in the classroom and the staff-room.
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2.1 The school has Christ-centered, professional leadership and staff who work collaboratively...3.2 The school has adopted an approach to curricular content, instruction and assessment that ...
Student Leadership Development - blog post series.
The ACSI Europe blog contains short articles, often connected in a series, that are designed to promote reflection and interaction on important topics for Christian educators. This series of posts explores the topic of developing student leadership in your school. The five posts cover both foundational concepts and practical implementation.
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4.1 The school acknowledges, models, encourages and nurtures Christ-like character, service an...4.4 Age-appropriate opportunities for service and missions, including compassionate outreach t...
Biblical Integration - Blog Post Series
The ACSI Europe blog contains short articles, often connected in a series, that are designed to promote reflection and interaction on important topics for Christian educators. This series of blog posts explores ideas related to Biblical worldview integration. The four posts in the series are: - Biblical integration is personal. - Biblical integration is conceptual - Biblical integration is contextual - Biblical integration is practical.
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3.2 The school has adopted an approach to curricular content, instruction and assessment that ...3.3 Biblical worldview integration is understood by teachers and practiced in all subjects and...
MEDITATIONS FOR TEACHERS - Reflections for Christian Teachers About Their Work
Meditations for Teachers is written as a companion volume to First the Foundation! A Primer for Christian School Education. These meditations serve as illustrations of how to implement the basic biblical understandings of Christian school education that First the Foundations addresses. So what appears as theory and perspective in First the Foundations is given a practical and devotional bent in these meditations. Meditations for Teachers can also stand alone as a devotional text. The sixty meditations are organized around the four themes of teacher, student, classroom practice, and school mission. Taken together the fifteen devotionals around each theme do present a perspective for understanding these four areas as a Christian teacher.
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2.4 Professional development for all leadership and staff is ongoing, aligned with specific go...3.2 The school has adopted an approach to curricular content, instruction and assessment that ...3.3 Biblical worldview integration is understood by teachers and practiced in all subjects and...
Student Leadership Conversations
Discussing leadership ideas must connect us to changes in our attitudes, conversations and behavior. We invite high school or university students from our member schools, especially those who have attended (or will attend) our Student Leadership Conference, to join these conversations.
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4.1 The school acknowledges, models, encourages and nurtures Christ-like character, service an...4.2 Interactions between school leaders, staff and students are characterized by sensitivity, ...
Using Questions for Better Learning
Using questions in our classrooms can lead to significant improvement in student learning and retention and also help students develop a biblical lens for learning and life. Why should I use questions in teaching? Which types of questions are most effective? How do questions promote a biblical approach to learning? How do I engage my students in a quality process of asking good questions? This course provides a platform for questioning our motivation in using questions, investigating resources to improve our use of questions, connecting our use of questions to clear curricular objectives, and applying what we learn through new instructional strategies.
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3.2 The school has adopted an approach to curricular content, instruction and assessment that ...
God’s Unfolding Story
This course explores the unified and unfolding nature of the biblical narrative through its significant events, characters and themes. Participants will read selected portions of Scripture, and consider how they fit together as a whole. This will be supported by readings from a succinct and carefully designed text as well as summary videos, and interaction with other participants in an asynchronous online learning environment. The course concludes with an opportunity for students to summarize and clarify their learning through designing a presentation that could be used to share the narrative with students of the age group they interact with the most in their school.
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2.4 Professional development for all leadership and staff is ongoing, aligned with specific go...3.4 The school provides for the teaching of Bible content in ways that are appropriate to the ...
International Collaborative Projects
How can we engage in meaningful connections between schools, students and teachers without adding additional tasks to our full schedule? The connections are more meaningful when we facilitate and encourage peer-learning (at both teacher and student levels) that meets the global awareness and academic goals of our schools. Why not benefit from the passion and educational perspectives of Christian teachers in one of the accredited ACSI schools in Nigeria, or Christian teachers in the Netherlands who are building relationships with partner schools in many countries, or the fast growing Christian schools in Romania? All of this can be done in English between teachers learning together online and then your students collaborate on meaningful projects that meet the goals of your curriculum!
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3.2 The school has adopted an approach to curricular content, instruction and assessment that ...3.3 Biblical worldview integration is understood by teachers and practiced in all subjects and...3.6 Student learning activities, inside and outside of the classroom, are consistent with the ...
Strengthening Our Assessment Practices
Assessment is a challenging area for many teachers, and has a significant impact on the learning experience for students. This course aims to equip teachers with both a framework for thinking about and planning assessment, as well as practical tools for classroom implementation. By considering assessment in the context of the whole teaching-learning process, this course explores ideas for designing quality assessments that provide relevant feedback and engage students in learning, including student self-assessment and peer-assessment strategies. Participants will engage in the course material through practical activities as well as interaction with other course participants through discussion forums.
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Introduction to Biblical Integration
This course explores the nature and importance of biblical integration, and introduces simple, practical strategies for classroom implementation. Participants will develop their understanding of biblical integration through interaction with each other and preparing a biblically integrated lesson plan or unit that is relevant to the grade and subject level they teach.
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The Biblical View of the Student
Every student has God-given value and potential. What are the barriers to student development and how can we as teachers help them realize their value and potential? This class examines who our students are based on a biblical perspective and how this impacts the way they learn.
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3.2 The school has adopted an approach to curricular content, instruction and assessment that ...3.6 Student learning activities, inside and outside of the classroom, are consistent with the ...
The Essence of Christian Teaching: A Concise School Pedagogy ( A joint publication by Driestar Christian University and ACSI Europe)
What are the characteristics of a Christian teacher? This book is centered around this question. Based on the Bible, The Essence of Christian Teaching provides guidelines for the everyday educational practice at any place in the world. The ideal image portrayed in this book seeks to depict the teacher’s actions in the classroom in the best way possible. However, the book is not a blueprint or a program, but should be read as an inviting prospect. Christian educators from England, South-Africa, Hungary and the USA have given comments on this international version which have been incorporated into the book.
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Available in: English, Nederlands
2.3 All leadership and personnel demonstrate a commitment to the development of the whole chil...3.2 The school has adopted an approach to curricular content, instruction and assessment that ...
Foundational Documents - blog post series
The ACSI Europe blog contains short articles, often connected in a series, that are designed to promote reflection and interaction on important topics for Christian educators. This series of blog posts addresses issues related to creating, implementing and reviewing foundational documents for a school. There are four posts in the series: - Documenting your foundations. - Creating your foundational documents. - Integrating your foundational documents into the life of your school. - Reviewing your foundational documents.
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1.1 The school has developed clear, coherent foundational documents establishing: The fait...1.2 The school’s foundational documents are communicated to all members of the school commun...1.3 The school implements a process of periodic review of its foundational documents that prov...1.4 The leadership and staff continually support the advancement of the philosophy, mission, a...1.5 The written policies and procedures established by the school are consistent with the scho...
First the Foundation! A Primer for Christian School Education by Stephen Kaufmann
The time is ripe across Europe for teachers in Christian schools to confront the spirit of secularism, so rampant in Western culture, with a gospel-based, Christ-centered message. At stake are the hearts and minds of all students in our schools that God has put in our care. Will teachers be ready to offer students another way to see themselves as belonging to Christ as his agents rather than the agents of secularism? Will our schools be places that engage students to exhibit God’s image- not merely to "fill up" with information - in all their learning? This book is dedicated to equipping teachers to take up their calling not only to be Christians, but also to teach as Christians before their students.
Student Leadership Conference
Our annual Student Leadership Conferences are international events for ACSI member schools that take place in Hungary in late September. These are unique opportunities for students to grow in their faith and in their leadership skills, and to fellowship and worship together with like-minded young people from many nations.
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Available in: English, Český, Deutsch, Magyar, Nederlands, Polski, Română, Español
The Mission of the Christian School
Both the Christian school and the secular school study the world around them, but they study it from significantly different perspectives and for significantly different purposes. This course explores those differences and helps us clearly articulate those differences in our thought processes and in our communication.
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1.1 The school has developed clear, coherent foundational documents establishing: The fait...1.4 The leadership and staff continually support the advancement of the philosophy, mission, a...
Impact of the Christian Worldview on Teaching
There is no such thing as “neutral” teaching. Our worldview determines the way we teach. During this course, we will study the teaching process and how the teacher applies a worldview through their character, their calling, their attitudes and their activities in the classroom.
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2.3 All leadership and personnel demonstrate a commitment to the development of the whole chil...2.4 Professional development for all leadership and staff is ongoing, aligned with specific go...
Christian Philosophy of Education
This course is designed to help Christian teachers develop in their understanding of a quality, Christian education and to assist them in the task of equipping students to influence their world through Biblical thought, character and action. This is accomplished by providing a foundation for a personal philosophy of Christian education.
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1.1 The school has developed clear, coherent foundational documents establishing: The fait...1.4 The leadership and staff continually support the advancement of the philosophy, mission, a...2.3 All leadership and personnel demonstrate a commitment to the development of the whole chil...2.4 Professional development for all leadership and staff is ongoing, aligned with specific go...
ACSI Global Day of Prayer
The ACSI Day of Prayer is an annual event that advances Christ-centered education by advocating through prayer. These past few school years have presented many unique challenges, but God has given our school communities the strength to overcome adversities and pursue new opportunities. We encourage you and your students to join ACSI when we unite across the globe to pray for Christ-centered education on Tuesday, March 4, 2025.
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Available in: English, Český, Deutsch, Français, Magyar, Nederlands, Polski, Română, Español, українська
International Educational Leadership Conference
The International Educational Leadership Conference brings together Christian school leaders for strategic collaboration and inspiration from across Europe and beyond. These events inspire a shared vision for Christian education globally, encourage fellowship among Christian school leaders and developing partnerships for Christian schools through deeply engaging plenary sessions and workshops from leading educational organizations. ACSI Europe has hosted the IELC since 2015 for participants from more than 40 countries and we are blessed to be able to partner with you for the promotion of quality Christ-centered education around the world.
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2.1 The school has Christ-centered, professional leadership and staff who work collaboratively...5.1 The school has an effective, ongoing strategic planning process in place that uses data an...5.2 The school’s strategic improvement plan, resulting from the strategic planning process, ...5.3 The school seeks to develop strategic partnerships with other Christian schools and organi...5.4 The school has an effective system in place for the ongoing review and assessment of its s...
CSIP Academy - INSPIRING School Improvement
CSIP Academy is a collaborative, professional experience to encourage and support school leaders as they work to implement a clear vision for Christian education. The standards of the CSIP form the basis of the content and structure for this 3-day event. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in crucial conversations on selected standards and indicators, discuss relevant ideas with colleagues from a diversity of backgrounds, and plan meaningful implementation steps for their own school context.
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2.1 The school has Christ-centered, professional leadership and staff who work collaboratively...2.3 All leadership and personnel demonstrate a commitment to the development of the whole chil...5.4 The school has an effective system in place for the ongoing review and assessment of its s...
Your needs and strengths always connect to the needs and strengths of partners in Christian education from the wider community. Please review the current list of services available to meet the goals of schools in your language, region or area of targeted growth.
Based on your strategic goals, select the professional services available from ACSI and our partners which best help your school meet those goals. You may also add and edit the services which you host or in which you participate.
Services are regularly being added to the system as we develop partnerships with other service organizations. Services can be listed by Standard number and by language group. The default language for services is English until services are available in your selected language group. One additional language group can be added to the listed services for your convenience.
Showing the details of a professional service will bring up the description of the service with the text of its related indicators. You are also able to connect any service to a strategic goal which will help you remember which services you have identified for addressing these goals.
You also have the option to “request a service”, which will notify ACSI of a particular need and initiate a process of identifying how to serve you, either through the ACSI office or one of our partner organizations.
Your “connected services” refers to those services which you have already connected to your strategic goals. “Services we offer” is a listing of the services your school is currently offering to other schools in your region or language group. Member schools are able to add 2 services to this listing each year to promote collaboration and partnership between schools. We provide a Service Development Worksheet to help you think through this process with your leadership team before posting your services here.