
CSIP Standards provide a set of indicators for schools to evaluate their current vision for Christian education and its implementation at multiple levels. Understanding that each school is unique and in a long-term process of growth and maturity, this self-assessment helps to strategically set goals for improvement using terms common to ACSI schools around the world.

After login, you may begin the self-assessment. A team of at least 3 people working together is recommended for this process with 1 person designated as a team leader.


Select or begin a Self-assessment

Identify your team members beginning with 1 of the current users named in your school membership form. User accounts must be set up on the main website with the school code. Your team members are given full access to the self-assessment.

Each member of your self-assessment team should represent various members of the school community. Ideally, this would include a school board member, a school leader and a lead teacher with input from other individuals or groups.

The self-assessment is divided into five standards. Each of the standards describes a domain or area of focus for school improvement, and the rationale for including it in the self-assessment process for a Christian school.

Self-assessment - Process Summary

Each of the 5 standards are described here in an overview statement with buttons to view and respond to each indicator within that standard. For each indicator, the self-assessment team reports their school’s level of development as:

Forming: the school recognizes its need to take significant steps in this area.
Developing: the school has taken steps towards quality practice but identifies a significant need for growth in this area.
Maturing: the school has established quality practice in this area and is ready to share their experience with others.
Flourishing: the school has gone beyond the level of quality expressed in the indicator and is contributing to the growth of other schools by sharing their experience and expertise in this area

Consult with your team and negotiate a final score for each indicator. If your team is already in agreement, the score can still be edited. Be sure to save your results. Finally, signatures and passwords of each team member verifies the submission of the self-assessment for processing.

The automated system report for this self-assessment will then be available on the next tab. A full list of your completed and shared self-assessments can be accessed on the "Strategic Goals" page.

Standard = An area of quality practice.

Standard 1: Philosophy and Foundations

Clear written statements that describe the faith foundations, mission, vision, core values, expected student outcomes, and Christian philosophy of education define who the school is, why it exists, and what it seeks to become. They outline the school’s Christian distinctives and communicate a clear purpose and direction for school development.

When communicated well with all members of the school community, these statements can guide decision making and provide a common platform for all to work collaboratively in a spirit of unity. As these documents become part of the very fabric of the school’s operations and relationships, embodied by leadership and staff and experienced by students and families, they protect and promote the Christian identity of the school. The foundational documents form a basis from which partnerships can be established with other Christian schools and organizations.

The six indicators and related descriptors in this standard will help a school to assess its current foundational documents and the extent to which those documents guide the daily life of the school. The school will be able to use the outcomes of this self-assessment to identify ways in which the philosophy and foundations of the school could be strengthened.

Standard 2: Leadership and Personnel

Leadership and personnel are the primary bearers of the school’s mission, vision and values. Every staff member is vital to the ministry to students. Because students learn so much through what they observe, the character, attitudes, and words of Christian teachers have great influence on the lives of students in their care. Therefore, it is important that the school has leaders, teachers and support staff who are committed to following Christ, to serving students, and to professional excellence. The school supports the growth of its leadership and staff through internal structures, and through participation in local, national and global networks.

The six indicators and related descriptors in this standard will help a school assess the extent to which its current leadership and staff contribute to the school’s mission, vision and values. The school will be able to use the outcomes of this self-assessment to identify ways in which the contribution of its leadership and personnel could be strengthened, to the benefit of both the school and the growth of Christ’s kingdom through Christian education locally, nationally and globally.

Standard 3: Teaching and Learning

Teaching and learning are at the heart of the school program. In most cases, schools are provided with a mandated curriculum which they must use and be held accountable for by their authorities. However, schools generally have some freedom in the manner in which the curriculum is delivered. This provides Christian schools with the opportunity to teach the required curricular content from a Biblical worldview, consistent with the school’s Christian philosophy of education.

The seven indicators and related descriptors in this standard will help a school assess their approach to curricular content, instruction and assessment, and the extent to which these are consistent with the school’s mission, vision, values and philosophy of education.

Standard 4: Spiritual Formation

The growth of students and staff towards maturity in Christ is a key goal of Christian schools. The extent to which this goal is being achieved, however, is very difficult to measure. Acknowledging the primary work of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life, Christian schools take intentional steps to see that work flourish. The school’s instructional program seeks to develop a heart of service and leadership in students and staff.

The five indicators and related descriptors in this standard will help a school to assess the extent to which their programs and practices promote the spiritual growth towards Christ-like character and service of their students and staff.

Standard 5: Strategic School Improvement Plan

All schools have strengths, and areas in which they need to grow if they are to realize their vision. A strategic planning process that results in a plan for strategic improvement will help a school to capitalize on its areas of strength and experience growth in its areas of weakness. Having clear strategic improvement goals will help a school to focus on areas of priority. Christian schools that are seeking to grow benefit from strategic partnerships with other Christian schools and organizations that support mutual growth.

The four indicators and related descriptors in this standard will help a school to assess its strategic planning process and level of engagement in strategic partnerships.

If your school is doing a self-assessment for the first time, you may prefer to skip Standards 4 or 5. If you select this option, it means that these Standards will not be addressed in your Report.

We are happy to provide support for your school at any stage of the CSIP process. Please provide any feedback in the Community Page or write to ACSI at